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Mission and vision

The School of Complex Adaptive Systems was established as a foundational institution within the College of Global Futures, ASU’s center of experiential learning, engaged research, and real-world problem-solving dedicated to the present and future well-being of our planet.


A thriving planet that allows for strategic and timely responses with a focus on global challenges and collaborative solutions.


To advance and disseminate fundamental knowledge about the structure and function of natural, social and technological complex systems.

The school focuses on complex systems science as a common language and framework, a way of thinking and knowing, and as a set of skills required to address problems that transcend traditional disciplinary boundaries. We promote excellence in education and research in an integrated academic structure without unnecessary internal disciplinary barriers and by wide-ranging international collaborations.

Grown from the Global Biosocial Complexity Initiative at ASU and developed in affiliation with the Santa Fe Institute, the School of Complex Adaptive Systems develops solutions and suggests interventions that enhance resilience and stability of some of the most critical aspects of our shared global futures, with a focus on sustainability, health, economics, technology, social stability and innovation.